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General Manager Message

We are working to leave a mark for the future

We are at a turning point where the technology advances with the fastest ever leaps and we experience a change of paradigm towards digitalization in financial business models, as well as all other areas of our lives. Now that it is possible to become a customer remotely, access to banking services has never been this easy. We internalize this change so fast that soon we will not be using the word digital as an adjective anymore. In this climate, the definition of the banking, which mediates the rational distribution of resources in societies and is the key factor to production and development, is also changing to a great extent.

We have now become institutions that touch every aspect of their customers' lives, not just their financial needs. Therefore, it has become a necessity for us to turn our route to the ecosystem understanding, without compromising on innovation. Our mission is to foresee the macro changes and transformations and to define our new position with agility. To this end, we have to understand the big data, which is the petroleum of the new economy, and transform it into models enabling our customers to access our products and services in the fastest and easiest way.

As DenizBank, we have made significant investments on innovation, technology and R&D since day one. We have put innovation at the center as a means of facilitating human life. In 2012, we established the first Digital Generation Banking Department of Türkiye and assigned the first CDO in this industry; and as of today, we have launched the first and biggest digital wallet of our country, fastPay, which is an e-money agency, and offered it to the use of all bank users. We also designed the most prominent financial innovation in the field of agriculture, Producer Card, and the first smart agricultural application of the world, Deniz’den Topraga (From Sea to Soil), through which we provide extensive consultancy services to our farmers. Recognizing the importance of big data in finding quick solutions to the needs of our customers, we designed the Data Science Program in 2017. Putting ecosystem banking in the heart of our business, we launched Deniz Aquarium and then Deniz Ventures Venture Capital Investment Fund with the aim of creating an innovation, acceleration and incubation center for startups. In July 2021, we brought together fastPay and these two entities under the umbrella of our new fintech company NEOHUB, which we established as an Intertech subsidiary, to provide network and experience-oriented support to the Turkish entrepreneurs.  Thereby, we achieved a structure where we can create new start-ups and fintechs that can stand on their own feet, from within our organization or from outside, and where we can get stronger together with our stakeholders within the ecosystem.

In each of these courageous decisions, we acted with the awareness of being a bank that would be remembered with technology base innovation and agility, on one hand, and with customer-orientation and solution partnership, on the other hand. With the same awareness, we have always taken the front line in projects which are strategically important for our future. We never hesitated for a second to transfer resources to projects such as the 3rd Bridge, 3rd Airport, TAV Bodrum Airport and Ilısu Dam, and city hospitals with public-private partnerships. Since our establishment, we have always embraced niche sectors that are supporting our national economy, such as education, healthcare, energy, infrastructure, tourism, shipping, agriculture, municipalities and sports clubs. Thanks to these investments, we were able to transfer resources to our SMEs, which are the backbone of our economy. With the projects we signed under KGF, Nefes and KOSGEB Loans, we became the leading bank standing behind our tradesmen. In 2002, we started our Agricultural Banking, as an initiative which inspired the industry, with the motto “where there is a farmer, there is life”; and today, we are the leading bank in this segment among private banks with a market share of 47%.

Our objectives have always been the welfare of our stakeholders and gain of our country, not just of our Bank, branches and regions. We have always followed our corporate governance principles of transparency, accountability, justice and responsibility. With the awareness of being an institution providing public service, we have felt a high level of responsibility towards our lands and our people.

When we started the road in 1997, we did not have any branches, employees or customers; and today we are proud to be the 5th biggest private bank of Türkiye based on the consolidated asset size. Our aim is to leave a valuable heritage to next generations and leave a mark in our country’s history.  In the upcoming periods, we will continue to work with the vision of being a bank which produces for its country with all it has and which people can rely on without any hesitation. 

Hakan ATEŞ
DenizBank Financial Services Group