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Currency Converter


General Information

Those who want to know the exchange rates in foreign exchange transactions can use the foreign exchange converter. With DenizBank's calculation tools, you can easily carry out your transactions without wasting time by entering the currency type and amount.


  • You can make the required calculations for currency buying/selling with quick and easy money conversion processes. Instant access to the most current exchange rates of some currencies available on the national market makes it easy for you to buy and sell.
  • The exchange rates used in foreign exchange calculations are taken from DenizBank's instant exchange rate screen. Conversion is done between currencies based on the currency rates at the time of the transaction.
  • Although currency conversion processes are usually performed in Turkish lira, dollar and euro, you can make your calculations in 14 different currencies with DenizBank. You can instantly convert dollars, British pounds, or Norwegian kroner to any currency you want.
  • Exchange rate calculation tools only work on instant exchange information. Therefore, it is not binding for subsequent transactions you will carry out over the internet. If the exchange rates change during your transactions, you must trade at the new exchange rate.
  • You can make currency conversion transactions via DenizBank Internet Banking in a short time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Use It

DenizBank's foreign exchange converter, which you can access through Online Banking, has a very practical use. Within minutes, you can find out the exchange rates of the desired currencies.

  • First, you must enter the amount you want to trade in the “Current Amount” section that appears in front of you on the foreign exchange converter page.
  • Then you can select the type of currency you want to convert by going to the "Existing Currency" section.
  • The "Currency to be Converted to" section is next to the Existing Currency. Here, you also need to select the currency which you want to convert your currency to from 14 different units.
  • After these very short processes, you can see both your currency amount and the converted amount without pressing any key.

You can make your trading at the converted exchange rates much faster and more practically. It is now very easy to make calculations with DenizBank foreign exchange converter, which can be used by all age groups!